Operator Algebras

Kyoto U. 'Vertex Operator Algebras and Integrable Systems' L.1

Simon HENRY - Operator algebras from toposes

The mathematics of infinity and research on operator algebra theory

András Molnár - Matrix product operator algebras

A Tale of Turing Machines, Quantum-Entangled Particles, and Operator Algebras

Alexander Stottmeister - Operator Algebras, the Renormalization Group, and Jones’ Actions of Thomp..

Hannes Thiel: Rigidity results for Lp-operator algebras, 18.08.2021

Cyclic Points and Separating Points For Operator Algebras

WACQT Fellows Mini Symposium 241003

Lecture 1 - Operator algebras and acylindrically hyperbolic groups

The unreasonable effectiveness of operator algebras

Operator Algebras Lecture 1

Evgeny Feigin — Vertex operator algebras. Lecture 1

Yasuyuki Kawahigashi: Operator algebras, tensor categories and tensor networks #ICBS2024

Erik Verlinde - Operator Algebras and Black Holes - Lecture 1 (21.2.23)

Operator Algebras Aspects of Quantum Teleportation and Superdense Coding

Dominic Williamson: Anyons and matrix product operator algebras

Lecture #5: Vertex Operator Algebras (5/20); Illustrating these in the simplest examples...

Monstrous Moonshine and Vertex Operator Algebras

Pure states on operator algebras

Operator algebra

Permutation Orbifolds of Vertex Operator Algebras


Akindele Adebayo Mebawondu - Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis