Webinar : 1. Basics of OpenERP

What is Odoo OpenERP

odoo ERP (OpenERP) Installed on Docker

Demo Français OpenERP 6.1 (courte)


Products Configuration in Odoo OpenERP Manufacturing Process

Bahmni OpenERP/Odoo Integration (Online session on 25-Feb-2016)

How to create and install a module in odoo | Learn OpenERP | Odoo

Odoo OpenERP 8 Manufacturing Management MRP MPS

Odoo (OpenERP) Basics Online Video Course ShortIntro

Odoo/openerp First Module HD

Customize Workflows in Odoo (formally OpenERP)

How to install OpenERP

Curso OpenERP (Odoo) desde cero 1x03

Programar OpenERP

OpenERP Tutorial (Part 1) - Foreword

Автоматизация производства с помощью OpenERP

OpenOffice Report Designer in OpenERP v7 - Part 1

OpenERP: Design applicactions with OpenObject in minutes

OpenERP Odoo Mobile Client - Integrated with Analytics/Business Intelligence Charts

Instalación y configuración básica de OpenERP Parte 1/3

Gratis økonomistyring og ERP - Odoo / OpenERP

Writing OpenERP modules in Python #MP33

OpenERP Review