Otokar #IDEX2023

Otokar wins tender for export of COBRA II 4×4 Wheeled Tactical Armored Vehicles to Romania

The Turkish Otokar Akrep 2. #marine #military #soldier #army #militarypersonnel #marines

Otokar at IDEF'23!

Otokar Cobra II Armoured Vehicle

Otokar presents new military vehicles at Eurosatory 2024

OTOKAR Akrep II | Can it be the new king of the scout car market?

Otokar unveils Arma II 8X8 armored fighting vehicle with domestic engine

Otokar Zırhlı Araç Ailesini ARMA II İle Genişletti

Otokar Presents Autonomous Vehicle ALPAR at Eurosatory 2024

Otokar - Cobra II 4X4 Tactical Wheeled Armored Vehicle

Otokar Navigo T 2024

Estonia purchased 230 units of NMS 4×4 and Otokar 6×6 Arma Turkiye

Otokar Eurosatory 2022

Busworld Europe 2017 - Otokar

Otokar - Akrep II 4X4 New Generation Armored Vehicle


Turkish Otokar Debuts Cobra II Tactical Armored Vehicles with Advanced Armor and Mobility

Otokar Atlas

Otokar Cobra II MRAP

Turkish Otokar Cobra II vs American MaxxPro MRAP

OTOKAR Tüm Avrupa'ya Yeter

Otokar Cobra armored personal carrier. Turkey infantry mobility vehicle.

Saudi Arabia joins Otokar's Cobra II 4x4 Vehicle buyer list