
Do BOSSES Run OUT OF AMMO In Fortnite Chapter 5? #fortnite #fortniteclips #fortnitechapter5

Nexiph Montage competition Preview

Fortnite but DON’T FALL! #fortnite #fortnitechapter5 #fortniteclips

Nexiph got exposed !!!

What Happens When TWO SHADOW BOSSES Meet? | Fortnite Mythbusters

Can you TIE A GAME In OG Fortnite? #fortniteclips #fortnitechapter6 #fortnite e

Boss ENTERS Pandora’s Box TORNADO In Fortnite Chapter 5! #fortnite #fortnitechapter5 #fortniteclips

Two Bosses MEET In Fortnite Season 3! #fortnite #fortniteclips #fortnitechapter5

Can You SURVIVE The No Emote Sign In Fortnite? #fortniteclips #fortnite #fortnitechapter6

Boss MEETS Master SPLINTER In Fortnite Chapter 5! #fortnite #fortnitechapter5 #fortniteclips

For nexiph

Boss Eliminates FINAL 2 PLAYERS In Fortnite! #fortnite #fortnitechapter5 #fortniteclips

I got killed by nexiph in fortnite

What Happens When A BOSS Gets BOOGIE BOMBED In Fortnite? #fortnite #fortnitechapter5 #fortniteclips

Nexiph scammed me :((

Can You Spectate The BATTLE BUS? #fortnite #fortniteclips #fortnitechapter5

WORLD RECORD build on Fortnite! #fortnite #fortnitemythbusters #fortniteclips

Boss ENTERS RIFT In Fortnite Chapter 5! #fortnite #fortnitechapter5 #fortniteclips

Is A 1000m SNIPER KILL Possible In Fortnite Chapter 5? #fortnite #fortnitechapter5 #fortnitemyths

10k Vbucks CHALLENGE! #fortnite #fortnitechapter5 #fortniteclips

Two Bosses MEET In Fortnite Chapter 5! #fortnite #fortniteclips #fortnitechapter5

GONE - Fortnite Edit Preview ft. Nexiph

Boss Opens OWN VAULT In Fortnite Chapter 5? #fortnite #fortniteclips #fortnitechapter5

reacting to Nexiph Mythbusters