How Does a PET Scan Work?

How Do X-rays Work?

What are Quantum Dots?

How Does a CT Scan Work?

How Does Ultrasound Work?

How Does an MRI Scan Work?

Laboratory of Cellular Imaging and Macromolecular Biophysics, NIBIB, NIH

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)

Better, Faster Cancer Diagnosis

The ContextifyHub - NIBIB DEBUT Challenge Submission

What is Tissue Engineering?

How Functional Ultrasound Works

RDM Workshop: NIH Pipeline in Digital Technologies - Jill Heemskerk, NIH/NIBIB

How does an MRI work?

How does a CT scan work?

Microfab Fluidics NIH NIBIB DEBUT Competition

NIBIB Debut Challenge - Cell Culture Bioreactor with Novel Mixing and Loading

Nephrogen 2020 NIBIB DEBUT Video

3D-printed scaffold enables controlled release of biomolecules into body

NIBIB DEBUT Submission - Automating Information Extraction from Clinical Notes Using Deep Learning

NIBIB DEBUT Challenge inStroketor Video

NIBIB Competition Video

NIH CFC 2014 Director's Challenge - NIBIB

UW BioE NIBIB DEBUT Challenge Submission