
'Tests as Classifiers' - Moshe Zadka (PyCascades 2022)

Moshe Zadka - Immutable Data Structures in Python - Pyninsula #9

'Caching Best Practices' by: Moshe Zadka

Moshe Zadka - Jupyter for DevOps - Pyninsula #30

Observable Python Applications - Moshe Zadka

Moshe Zadka - Boring Object Orientation - Pyninsula #21

'Teaching with Jupyter' - Moshe Zadka (North Bay Python 2023)

Boring Object Orientation - Moshe Zadka

Moshe Zadka - Web Applications, A to Z - PyCon 2018

Python Side-Cars | Moshe Zadka | Conf42 Python 2022

'Python ‹3 Rust' - Moshe Zadka (PyOhio 2024)

Moshe Zadka: Boring Object Orientation

Iterate, Iterate, Iterate! (Moshe Zadka) - PyTexas 2024

Moshe Zadka: Boring Object Orientation

Moshe Zadka - Building Python Applications with Docker (PyTexas 2017)

'Incrementally Developing Your Web App With Jupyter and Klein' by: Moshe Zadka

TUTORIAL / Moshe Z / Python Unit Testing with Pytest and Mock

Talk - Moshe Zadka: Best Practices for Continuous Integration in Python V02

Moshe Zadka - Your Retrospectives in a CAST - SF Python @ Sentry (2023-05-10)

PyO3: Rust 💚 Python | Moshe Zadka | Conf42 Python 2023

Screaming Fast API Clients - Moshe Zadka

DevPI: The Tool You Never Knew You Needed (Moshe Zadka)

Talks - Moshe Zadka: pyproject.toml, packaging, and you

Season 1, Episode 3: To Boldly Debug (Moshe Zadka)