Like Nastya

Nastya got her first job with famous bloggers

Nastya and Evelyn in wonderland

Nastya plays hide and seek with her friends

Nastya goes to visit African children

Nastya and Useful Stories for Children | Good Behavior and Health Care Tips

Nastya and her Friends Princesses

Nastya and dad pack a suitcase and are going on a trip

Nastya and Papa adventures on summer vacation

Rules of conduct for kids at school from Nastya and dad

Nastya turns into a princess

Nastya and dad in an educational museum for kids

Nastya and Evelyn play with a giant trampoline - 1 hour Kids video series

Nastya plays games for children with friends. Big collection of videos for kids

Nastya and Evelyn help each other as best friends

Настя и развивающие песенки для детей

Nastya teaches Eva to take care of her appearance

Like Nastya compilation of the best videos of 2022

Nastya does all the housework

Nastya plays with her dad in a challenge with chocolate toys

Nastya and her friends survived with the strictest nanny in the world

Nastya and Evelyn pretend to play the Barbie Challenge - Collection of video for kids

Nastya is back at school in an unusual class

Nastya tells riddles

Nastya and Stacy open huge eggs with surprises and toys