Level UP mario

Mario has 60 Seconds to Escape the Lava!

Level UP: Mario's Trap Room Mayhem

Level UP: If Luigi gets scared, he loses!

Every time Mario jumps, he DOUBLES in size!

Find the Mario Character! (Minigame)

Level UP: When everything Mario touches turns to Obsidian

Level UP: When everything Mario touches turns to Glass

NEW Super Mario Bloopers (ALL EPISODES)

Level UP: Funniest Mario videos ALL EPISODES (Season 4)

Lucky Mario's Death Traps Mayhem

Level UP: Mario's Maze Mayhem (ALL EPISODES)

When everything Mario jumps on E X P A N D S

Level UP: Mario's Rainbow Clouds Adventure!

Level UP: When everything Mario touches turns to Stone

Level UP: Funniest Mario videos ALL EPISODES (Season 3)

Level UP: Funniest Mario videos ALL EPISODES (Season 6)

Waluigi has 30 seconds to disarm the bomb!

Level UP: Mario vs the World of Spikes

Level UP: Mario lost his Hat and then this happened

Super Mario Bros. but the floor is PIKACHUS

Level UP: Mario and the Giant Door of Items

Level UP: Mario's Maze Escapes (ALL EPISODES)

Level UP: Mario's Tiny Maze Mayhem

Level UP: Mario vs the Laser Beams Maze