
Happening now: water line burst in the seminary day after Christmas

Legionaries of Christ Seminary

Morning prayer in the snow in the seminary

Seminarians on their weekend getaway in New Hampshire

Our seminarians studying in Rome

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Happening now: a Christmas tradition in the seminary

Happening now: Seminarian-Dad Weekend

Happened today: seminarians putting up Christmas lights

Seminarians preparing breakfast. What is your favorite breakfast?

Snowball fight in the seminary

3 Territorial Directors visit the seminary

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The Seminarians Sing to The Lord a Beautiful Response at Morning Mass

Indoor soccer in the seminary

Layover stop on my way to join the seminary - Br Joseph. Apostles of Hope vocation stories

Making ashes for Ash Wednesday in the Seminary

What is it like for a sister to have her brother in the Legion?

Blessing for Seminarians outside airport before leaving for Rome to study

Minutes before the Greek exam in the seminary

The Seminarians Sing a Beautiful Hymn at Mass to Begin Each Day

Back to school in the seminary

Send your prayer requests to the Seminarians:

Exams in the seminary