
Love first looks! Drop a 😬 if you wanna see the full film!

Peter Meze, Janc Galič, Manja Kristanc - Primorska vas (koncert Cankarjev dom, 1986)

Peter Meze, Janc Galič, Manja Kristanc - Hiše strahov (koncert Cankarjev dom, 1986)

Recept za ljubljanske gratinirane palačinke | Ana Žontar Kristanc, Slovenija

Rhinoceros XN10-8 problem 1

Andreja Papež-Kristanc: Raznovrstnost naravnih habitatov ob Savi in Kokri

Moja izkušnja z operacijo dviga prsi

who can relate? #shorts #contentcreator #ugccreator #minivlog #thisisme

Fetuccini alfredo s piščancem #food #recipe #testenine #pasta #chicken

Zdrave ritke - Previjanje s pralnimi plenicami

first looks. Stallion Mountian, Las Vegas, NV

This morning's motivation to get me through the day #shein#minivlog#morningroutine#contentcreator

Typical day when I still worked a fulltime job + building my dream life #videographer #travelwithme

Moja nova kuhinja

Praznični venček narezek #narezek #vencek #wreath #recept #praznicni #christmasrecipe

Piščančji paprikaš s pire krompirjem #paprikas #piscanec #meso #paprikash #krompir #pire #potato

Birthday pranks done right lol. #coldshowerprank #coldshower

Vegan Chocolate Tart | Collab w/ Sweet Simple Vegan + Krista NC Barril

What I ate filming the AES #contentcreator #vlog

You don't have to do it all alone #contentcreator #elopementvideographer #dreamlife

Corny družinska dogodivščina - Ana in Kristijan Žontar

2Cellos Concert

creating my dream life #contentcreator #manifestation #luckygirlsyndrom #videographer

2 weeks in to my UGC journey and landed my first gifted brand deal! #ugc#lifestyle#vlog#dayinthelife