Koby Israelite

LED ZEPPELIN Immigrant Song (A Very Different) Cover by Koby Israelite #ledzeppelin #immigrantsong

When The Levee Breaks. (Led Zeppelin),Koby Israelite/Annique

La Foule - Koby Israelite

Bulgarian Boogie - Koby Israelite

Koby Israelite/Oren Marshall. Circus Mayhem

PROVOKATION- Roberto De Brasov/Koby Israelite

Metal Jews.Sing to the King-Koby Israelite

Mor Karbasi/Koby Israelite. Willow's song

The Trap- Roberto De Brasov/Koby Israelite

Koby Israelite - Rampel - Orobas: Book of Angels, Volume 4 (Zorn)

Ajde Jano [ Koby Israelite]

Just LIke Everybody else. Koby Israelite

Koby Israelite Band .Bulgarian Boogie.

Kashmir (Led Zeppelin cover) Koby Israelite (Asphalt Tango,2013)

Koby Israelite & Oren Marshall Live @ Tel Aviv Jazz Festival 2012

Ethnometalogy - Koby Israelite & Oren Marshall

Koby Israelite - The Journey

Robert's Story-Roberto De Brasov/Koby Israelite.PROVOKATION

Annique- Puzzles. (By Annique & Koby Israelite)

koby Israelite\Samech Quartet,Ajde Jano

Koby Israelite - solitude

Koby Israelite plays the iPhone