King Kountry Wayne

When Kory questions her feelings for Rafi!

Drip meets TI!

When Drip tries to holla at the guard! Kountry Wayne

When Angel comes back for J Diva’s heart!

When Malachi confronts Rolonda about trying to pick up his prescription!

When Malachi shows his nosey neighbor that his hands still work!

That Time Wayne met his 14yr old daughter boyfriend!

When Sarah tells Brock her darkest secret!

When the nurse asks Jae and Alexis’ other dude who’s going to sign the birth certificate!

When Malachi’s woman finds out that Rolonda tried to get his prescription filled!

When Helen and Athena say who they think vandalized Sarah’s car and tell Sarah she needs to PULL UP

When D has to switch cars to make a money move & Vee uses her day job to help the West Side Boys

When Vee gives D a heads up on Niche’s coming attack on the West Side Boys!

When Lynn checks Malachi about Rolonda trying to pick up his prescription!

That time Wayne 15yr son wrecked his girlfriend daddy car!

When Nychelle pushes Kory towards a new man!

When DC tells Erica he knows about the shooting and decides to go for full custody of Jada

D opens up to king about his financial situation - Kountry Wayne

When J Diva gets put out of her house! | Kountry Wayne

Kountry Wayne Talks $20M From Social Media, Cheating, BBLs, Calls Out Jess Hilarious & Faizon Love

When Mike breaks Amber heart! - Kountry Wayne

When Kory gets asked out on a date in front of Rafi!

That time Rolonda popped up on Wayne went wrong!

I’m worried #shulerking #diddy