
Sonic breaks out of character…

Озвучка анимашек от ItzDatArtist

Sonic After The Game Awards (Mashup of @ItzDatArtist and @July2612Funky)

@ItzDatArtist Sonic (Games) Vs @PringusMcDingus Sonic

@ItzDatArtist Shadow (Games) Vs @PringusMcDingus Knuckles (Movie)

@ItzDatArtist Sonic and Shadow vs Game Sonic and Shadow

Collab with @Cypher.TeamSSS | @Skoopity Sonic (cyber)Vs @ItzDatArtist Sonic (SS2)

A Toxic Relationship

Archie Sonic vs @ItzDatArtist Sonic

Everything Is Trying To Kill Silver

@ItzDatArtist Sonic (Classic) Vs @PringusMcDingus Sonic (Movie)

Basically Shadow Generations

Yeah! We Saved Denny's!

Escaping a Toxic Relationship

Hey sonic, how’s your girlfriend?

I Think She Really Likes Me

Hey sonic, hows your girlfriend? but he actually has one

Shadow, why do you need shoes to run fast?

Hey Sonic, how’s your girlfriend ? / meme / Sonic / Gacha club / feat. Shadow


Whisky Situation

Tails found the wrong question to ask to Shadow [Sonic Twitter Takeover Animation] Gacha club

Sonic breaks out of character.... (RUS DUB)

Lethal Goonery