
IFRC Global plan 2025

IFRC Global Plan 2023

What's the difference between the red cross, red crescent and red crystal? | Working For The ICRC


IFRC in action

2023 IFRC Annual Report: Supporting 200M People in Crisis Worldwide

World Red Cross Red Crescent Day 2024 - Keeping Humanity Alive

Unpacking trust – that invisible yet critical element – with IFRC’s head of delegation in Türkiye

IFRC approach for Emergency Needs Assessments

IFRC Ukraine Response: One month on

Interview with IFRC director on relief efforts and global disaster

‘Worst year for humanitarians’: IFRC Secretary General presses UN to protect aid workers

What is RED Education?

We are the International Federation

Quick action saves young Syera from dengue

ERT PPA Beraksi dalam 20th IFRC 2023

IFRC’s new president takes on today’s toughest humanitarian challenges-People in the Red Vestpodcast

IFRC Shelter Kit

IFRC chief Chapagain: 'Optimism' in Syria will fade if help comes too slowly | DW News

IFRC - Stay Safe animation EN

IFRC addressing SGBV is everyone’s responsibility

Fighting anthrax in Tajikistan

Ukraine: IFRC warns of psychological wounds adding cruel layer of pain one year on

IFRC: Hope is who we are