IEM6 World Championship : niko 1on5 KNIFE ace vs M5

IEM6 World Championship : Dosia vs fnatic

IEM6 World Championship : Neo vs Natus Vincere

IEM6 GC Kiev: Gux vs. Moscow Five

IEM6 GC New York

IEM6 WC - GeT_RiGhT before semi-final

FYRR73 vs fnatic @ IEM6 WC 2012

Na`Vi teamplay vs fnatic @ IEM6 GC Kiev 2012

Neo vs NatusVincere IEM6 World Championship

IEM6 WC - Interview with TaZ

IEM6 GC Kiev: RobbaN vs. Natus Vincere

markeloff vs mouz @ IEM6 WC 2012

IEM6 WC - Interview with Neo

markeloff vs fnatic @ IEM6 GC Kiev 2012

IEM6 GC NY Final Qual: minet vs. SK-Gaming

IEM6 WC - Interview with face

IEM6 WC - Prize ceremony

IEM6 WC - Interview with threat

IEM6 WC - Gux prior to Na`Vi match

IEM6 GC Kiev - Interview with Gux

IEM6 Global Challenge New York - GeT_RiGhT talks about the win

IEM6 GC Kiev xaoc vs Natus Vincere

Zeus vs fnatic @ IEM6 GC Kiev 2012

starix -4 vs fnatic @ IEM6 WC Grand Finals