How do you make an array into a list

How to Convert an array to an ordinary list with the same items in Python

Convert ARRAY to LIST | 5 Different Ways | Java

How to Convert Python List to NumPy Array

How to convert Array to List | Java Program to Convert an Array into a List | Java Array to List

ARRAYS in Python - Start Here!

np.array() : Create Numpy Array from lists or tuples in Python

Convert an Array into a Linked List - C Linked List Tutorial

Java Programming Tutorial 50 - Convert List to an Array

C# 43: Lists: creation, adding/removing/accessing elements, and list iteration.

Creating list or array from pandas DataFrame column or row in Python

Array vs. ArrayList in Java Tutorial - What's The Difference?

Java: Convert Array to ArrayList, and ArrayList to Array

#32 Array of Objects in Java

How to create a series from a list, numpy array and dict?

Python 2D arrays and lists

Convert a HTMLCollection To a JavaScript Array

how to convert array to arraylist in java

How To Get Array Input From A User In Java Using Scanner

List of Object Array

10.3: An Array of Images - Processing Tutorial

Array of Objects Java Tutorial #73

Convert List to Array in Java | Convert List to Array in Java with Example Program

Map through State Array (Loop) - React tutorial 8

What Is An Array? - Beginners Informational Guide To Unreal Engine 5