
A rat bruxing (happy).

Rat Eye Boggle - Ashton

Eavesdrop on Ultrasonic Rat Giggles

Woman brings home a rat and discovers he's just like a puppy


Happy rats cuddling and grooming each other for 3 minutes

the bedroom the white kitten and rat #cat #rat #happycats #happyrats #happy

Rats are ADORABLE - Cute Rat Compilation!

Baby chocolate rats | HappyRats

Safe Food For Rats | HappyRats

Sookie's happy rats

How To Make DIY Pet Rat Toy-Hay Wreath | HappyRats

Rat Cage Tour / May 2016 | HappyRats

Hali Eating Cucumber | HappyRats

Opening Christmas Presents | HappyRats

Baby Rats | HappyRats

Trixie eating cucumber | HappyRats

Pasta time | HappyRats

Timmy the wild rat. | HappyRats

Rat Cage Tour / September 2015 | HappyRats

Refreshing drink. | HappyRats

How to Make: Pet Bedding | HappyRats

How to Make: Cardboard Chew | HappyRats

How To Make: Christmas Cracker | HappyRats