
$1 vs $1,000 RC Cars!

I Tested 'Hydrophobic' Sand!

Testing 'Fake' Hollywood Cigarettes

I Tested the 'Pest' Pistol

Puzzles That Look Hard But Are Actually Easy!

Level 1 to 100 Impossible Puzzles

$1 vs $100,000 Yoyo!

Crazy Science Experiments You Can Do at Home!

Level 1 to 100 Science Gadgets

I Tested the World's Smallest Gadgets!

I Tested $1 Magic Tricks!

Superhero Gadgets You Won't Believe Exist... (ft. Hacksmith)

How Strong Is Your 1 Inch Punch?

I Mixed Every Sour Candy!

Level 1 to 100 Rubik's Cubes!

Level 1 to 1000 Science Experiments!

Level 1 to 100 Magic Tricks Anyone Can Do

I Tested Weird Lego Products! (ft. TD Bricks)

I Learned to Solve the Rubik's Cube in Under 60 Seconds (ft. SoupTimmy)

when Japanese people find out you’re a hafu, but not the “right one”😭 #japanese #mixed #japan #hafu

Level 1 to 100 Lego Builds (ft. TD Bricks)

Why Hafu Respects Toast So Much

The reason Wolfabelle isn't in the Hafu lobbies.