
Dromeno with Eleni Govetas, Christos Govetas, Ruth Hunter, Nick Maroussis, and Bobby Govetas

Govetas Fam Livestream

Greek Music Demonstration with Ruth Hunter, Christos Govetas, and Eleni Govetas

Eleni Govetas Kompania at The Goat

Surprise Greek Serenade with Eleni Govetas, Christos Govetas, and Ruth Hunter

Greek music by Dromeno with Eleni Govetas, Christos Govetas, Ruth Hunter, and Nick Maroussis

Greek Clarinet with Christos Govetas

Greek music by Dromeno with Eleni Govetas, Christos Govetas, Ruth Hunter, and Nick Maroussis

Special Concert! From Greece - Eleni Govetas & Zoe Christiansen LIVE 1/17/2025 at 7:00PM

Ruth Hunter Govetas Mendocino Folklore Camp 50th Anniversary

The Old Meeting House Presents - Eleni Govetas and Zoe Christiansen 1/17/2025

Eleni Rose Govetas-Newest and Youngest member of KULTUR SHOCK

Christos Govetas Top # 6 Facts

Govetas Family Ipiros and Thessaly 12/20/20

Perno to dromo to dromi

Apopse kanis bam

Greek Zurna Set with Christos Govetas, Eleni Govetas, and Bobby Govetas

Eleni Govetas Kompania at Ashkenaz Jan 1, 2024

Ta mandala

Ambeli mou

Pekse Christo to Bouzouki

Rikse Tsingana Ta Hartia

Kaike ena scholio

Merita Halili & Raif Hyseni Band with Bobby Govetas - Seattle 2013 - Part 6