Giorgos Kordis

To write or paint icons? Giorgos Kordis and Ivan Polverari in conversation...

George Kordis: Byzantine Artist

Making of St Archangel Michael Icon - By Giorgos Kordis

Muzeul Cotroceni - Expoziția de Icoane a profesorului George Kordis

Master Iconographer George Kordis Time-lapse

Master Iconographer George Kordis Time-lapse

Drawing the face of an angel by George Kordis

prof. Georgios Kordis, Atena, pictează live la Muzeul Cotroceni, Simpozionul Icoana Nouă

George Kordis - Lightening of the face

Tradition as Creativity: Dialogue with Iconographer Dr George Kordis

How to draw a dynamic frontal face by George Kordis

I session of Online Conference on Contemporary Iconography.

VII Session of Online Iconography Conference

Δημιουργία Εικόνας από τον ζωγράφο Γιώργο Κόρδη

Γ. Κόρδης: Η ελληνική ζωγραφική παράδοση ως παιδαγωγός

Αγιορείτικη Εστία - Έκθεση Ζωγραφικής “Γιώργος Κόρδης”

Icon of St. John the Baptist Part 3

George Kordis- Icoane, frumusețea cerească pe pământ

ΣΤΑ ΑΚΡΑ | Θανάσης Παπαθανασίου - Γιώργος Κόρδης | Τετάρτη 30/12, 20:00 στην ΕΡΤ2

Icon of St. John the Baptist Part 4

Η 'Οδύσσεια' του Γιώργου Κόρδη στη ΦΛΣ του ΕΚΠΑ

Conferința „Despre icoană” - Prof. Dr. George Kordis, București - 5 noiembrie 2015

Padre Eduardo Pérez - Yo conocí a George Kordis