Gradient Boost Part 1 (of 4): Regression Main Ideas

Visual Guide to Gradient Boosted Trees (xgboost)

Gradient Boosting : Data Science's Silver Bullet

Gradient Boosting and XGBoost in Machine Learning: Easy Explanation for Data Science Interviews

GBDT Specification + Optimization | by Luca Massaron, Pietro Marinelli | Kaggle Days Paris

Implementing the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT) Algorithm with Jupyter

Gradient Boosting with Regression Trees Explained

GBDT promo video

Feature Eng Techniques & GBDT Implementation (Japanese language) | Daisuke Kadowaki | Kaggle Days

How to encode categorical features for GBDT | Ryuji Sakata | Kaggle Days

Признаки без отношения порядка в GBDT

KDD 2025 - ScalaGBM: Memory Efficient GBDT Training for High-Dimensional Data on GPU

Gradient Boost Part 3 (of 4): Classification

Automated Proton Track Identification in MicroBooNE using GBDT - ACAT 2017

Gradient Boosting Explained | How Gradient Boosting Works?

Myopia risk factors: compare LR/EBM/GBDT algorithms

Gradient Boosting In Depth Intuition- Part 1 Machine Learning

DeepGBM: A Deep Learning Framework Distilled by GBDT for Online Prediction Tasks

GBDT SS19 Promo

GBDT 2018- New Rules

RustConf 2021 - Writing the Fastest GBDT Library in Rust by Isabella Tromba