
Eshkolot Festival of Jewish Texts and Sounds

Eshkolot Festival in Berlin (November 2019)

Eshkolot Festival in Germany

Eshkolot Festival in Jerusalem 2017

Eshkolot in Dagestan

Eshkolot Festival in Venice, 2017

Eshkolot Festival 'Reading Architecture'

A visit with Shmuel to Eshkolot

Eshkolot Festival in Jerusalem - December 2018

National Memorial on Mount Herzl / Kimmel Eshkolot Architects


'Экспедиция' в Музей истории евреев / Eshkolot at Museum of Jewish History

Eshkolot Festival in Jerusalem, 2015

Ночь израильской анимации // Eshkolot Open Air

Eshkolot Winter Seminar 5784/2024

Underground Jerusalem. Eshkolot Festival '19


Pozo de luz, Mount Herzl Memorial de Kimmel Eshkolot Architects

'Экспедиция' в Дом Пашкова (коллекция Гинцбургов) / Eshkolot at Ginzburg Collection

Axis Mundi. Eshkolot Festival in Jerusalem (2016)

Eshkolot- Kerem institute, Jerusalem

International Jewish Educators at Eshkolot

Eshkolot Teach to Inspire

Eshkolot Tiyul Bum Bum' Fan Video