
Cessna 172 approach into EHMZ Midden Zeeland Airfield, the Netherlands

Midden-Zeeland (EHMZ) Landing RWY 27 with Go-Around (Headset Audio)

Base and final leg on the approach to EHMZ RWY 09

Flying lesson 45: Sunny beaches & crosswind landing at EHMZ | Tecnam Sierra P2002-JF

Landing at Midden-Zeeland EHMZ [full ATC]

Rotterdam to Midden Zeeland EHRD to EHMZ

Afternoon trip to EHMZ Midden-Zeeland with the Pipistrel Virus SW121


Landing EHMZ

COCKPIT VIEW LANDING runway 09 at Midden-Zeeland Airport (EHMZ)


COCKPIT VIEW TAKE-OFF runway 27 at Midden-Zeeland Airport (EHMZ)

Landing EHMZ RWY 09 (13/03/2022)

VFR Rotterdam (EHRD/RTM) - Midden Zeeland (EHMZ)

Approach and landing at Midden Zeeland (EHMZ)

Flight from EHMZ to EHTW AOPA Fly In 2017

landing at Middel Zeeland Airport (EHMZ)

Aviation #8: Taking off from EHMZ (Midden-Zeeland) with the PH-LVH.

Midden Zeeland (EHMZ) to Rotterdam, 2

Road to the PPL (#21) - VOR Navigation to EHMZ with some soft field operations (Sonaca 200)

Flight from EHMZ Midden Zeeland to EHTX Texel with a Pipistrel Alpha Trainer

28 10 2021 Rondvlucht Walcheren vanaf EHMZ met Cessna 182P PH-HLF Landing RWY 27

Landing Midden Zeeland RK C206 : EHMZ

Flying out of Maastricht / Visit to Midden Zeeland (EHMZ)