
ELD CAMPUS: Module - The ELD Initiative

What we do: ELD Initiative 2019-20 (French subtitles)

Introduction to the ELD CAMPUS (english)

Soil counts - preserve it! Introduction to the ELD Initiative

ELD-Film: The Value of Soil

Land Degradation Neutrality - Why it matters, how it's done (english short version)

Introduction to the ELD Initiative by Mark Schauer

The Value of Land - Kyrgyzstan (German Subtitles)

10 years of ELD: Celebrating a decade of action for land

The Value of Land - Kenya (German subtitles)

The Value of Land - Kyrgyzstan

Land Degradation Neutrality - Why it matters, how it's done

Landdegradationsneutralität - Worum es geht, wie es geht (kurze Version)

ELD MOOC Live Session I by E. Quillérou and M. Schauer: An Introduction to the ELD Initiative

Webinar: Economics of Land Degradation (ELD): Recent Progress and Future Directions

ELD-Film: The Value of Soil - deutsche Version

ELD CAMPUS: Module - The ELD Initiative (français)

Neutralité en matière de dégradation des terres – Pourquoi ça compte, comment y arriver

ELD-Film: The Value of Soil - version française

ELD CAMPUS: Module - Identification & selection of ecosystem services

ELD CAMPUS: Module - Steps of an ELD study

Soil counts - value it! MOOC 2014 trailer

Soil protection: Soil sustains life

The Value of Land - Namibia (German subtitles)