Drug-Resistant TB (DRTB): What is DRTB | Dr. Anand Jaiswal | Medanta

Dr Kunene 12min Quick Summary of DRTB

Drug-resistant TB- DRTB- Featuring Rajesh Kumar

RRTB PART1: The diagnosis, classification of DRTB and WHO grouping of DRTB drugs. Nov 2019

Drug-Resistant TB (DRTB) Disease and Treatment Methods | Dr. Anand Jaiswal | Medanta

CME on Diagnosing & Managing DRTB: Case based discussion | ViatrisTB

Module 6: DRTB Treatment Part 1

Lauréat • Laureaat Be Circular 2016: Marc Ruebens, DRTB

A Blind Woman's Fight Against Tuberculosis | Analyn, DRTB Patient from Bulan, Sorsogon

DRTB video from 2015

Module 6: DRTB Treatment Part 2

Diagnostic Protocol of DSTB and DRTB in RNTCP by Dr Rupali Sabale

DRTB patient case study

Diagnosis and Management of DRTB | ViatrisTB

Virtual Summit on Drug Resistant TB - Test and Treat the DRTB

DRTB - When You Feel

Diagnosis & Management of DRTB in paediatrics: Case based discussions | TBViatris


Tuberculin Skin Test: Quick Guide #tbdiagnosis #tb #tbcontrol #stoptbpartnership#drtb #tbtreatment


Drug-Resistant TB (DRTB) Infection, Disease and Treatment Methods | Dr. Anand Jaiswal | Medanta

DRTB Monitoring Conclusion

Diagnostic Dilemma in DRTB | 16th Mar'22

Fighting TB stigma: One conversation at a time #TheHumanitarian #Tuberculosis #drtb