
HIRE The Omicron CPC100 from BrandisHire.com.au

VT ratio test 13.8kv by CPC100

Introduction to the Omicron CPC 100

Omicron CPC 100 Universal Primary Injection Test Set

Primary injection test with CPC100 (13.8kv switchgear)

Brief Familiarizing with Omicron CPC 100 & CP TD 1.

Testing Primary Assets with OMICRON and the CPC 100

VT ratio test, polarity test by Omicron CPC 100 (115kV Line VT wiring connection)

Operating the OMICRON CPC 100

How to do Contact Resistance Using CPC100

winding resistance test for power transformer by CPC100

How to configure CPC100+TD1 for Tangent Delta Voltage Sweep Test.

CT knee point check with Omicron CPC 100 (ABB 115kv SF6 circuit breaker)

CPC 100 - Utilisation et génération de rapports

Voltage Transformer Turns Ratio test | Using Omicron CPC100- MVSG

CPC100 cihazı ile Akım Trafo Testi

CPC 100 AND CP CU 1 (500)132KV GIS Testing ll#Shorts

Knee point test CT 150kV with Omicron CPC100

CPC 100 - Why is power transformer testing so important?

CT Knee Point voltage check by Omicron CPC100 kit

Cpc100 tan delta Omicron #shorts


CT ratio testing by cpc 100