Biodiversity data for financial actors with BIA-GBS

GBS | Webinar The GBS in 10 minutes and dedicated Q&A session

GBS | Launch of the database Biodiversity Impact Analytics powered by Global Biodiversity Score

GBS | Webinar Presentation of the GBS in 10 minutes

Journée de la Nature – Atelier : allier biodiversité et finance avec le BIA-GBS

GBS | The applications of the Global Biodiversity Score for financial players – 20.03.2024, EN

Webinar | Presentation of the Global Biodiversity Score (GBS) (26.01.2023, EN)

Webinar | Presentation of the Global Biodiversity Score (GBS) (15.06.2023, EN)

Webinaire | Présentation du Global Biodiversity Score (GBS) (21.06.2022, FR)

GBS | Presentation of the Global Biodiversity Score GBS for financial institutions (GBSFI)

GBS | Webinaire « Biodiversity measurement for business & finance »

Carbon4 Finance : How to integrate climate and biodiversity data in reporting ?

Ausbildung zum Verfahrensmechaniker (m/w/d) - BIA Kunststoff- und Galvanotechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Répondre à l'article 29 de la Loi énergie-climat avec BIA-GBS

GBS | Setting Science Based Target for Nature with the Global Biodiversity Score - Webinar 01.03.22

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Biodiversa+ Webinar on the IPBES Business and Biodiversity Assessment