Andrey Trush

H. Villa-Lobos - Prelude No. 1. Unusual version. - (Andrey Trush)

Andrey Trush - Lounge guitar - In Autumn by the Lake / Осенью у озера. Лаунж на гитаре

A. Barrios - El ultimo tremolo - Sextol tremolo - Andrey Trush

J.S. Bach and Andrey Trush - Prelude D-minor BWV 999 - guitar

Andrey Trush - Prelude A Major guitar (Fivefingers guitar play)

Astor Piazzolla 'Nightclub 1960'. (History of Tango) А. Пьяццолла 'Ночной клуб'.

Кубинский танец / Cuban Dance/ Andrey Trush

Lecture on guitar tremolo - (quintol tremolo with pinky) - Andrey Trush

Coste, Barcarolle - complicated version - Andrey Trush

Гамма До Мажор на гитаре - C Major scale on guitar - для двух гитар

Right hand guitar (Horizontal and vertical sound extraction) - Andrey Trush

'Road' - CHORD TREMOLO on guitar - Andrey Trush - аккордовое тремоло на гитаре - 'Дорога'

Agustin Barrios - El Ultimo tremolo. (quintol tremolo with pinky) - (Live) - Andrey Trush

Ennio Morricone 'Chi Mai' (piano). Эннио Морриконе - проффесионал - чи май (Andrey Trush)

Como tocar arpegio el la guitarra - ARPEGIO con un secreto - Andrey Trush

Mauro Giuliani - Grand Overture - played by Andrey Trush

Agusrin Barrios - La catedral. 1 and 3 movement (live) - (Andrey Trush)

Allegro - Mauro Giuliani. Complicated version - Andrey Trush

Saint-Saens - The Swan - guitar. Arrangement - Mikhailenko N. P. - (Andrey Trush)

J. Sagreras - Etude 4 - tremolo - Andrey Trush - Квинтольное тремоло с мизинцем на гитаре

Classical guitar (answers on the questions) - Andrey Trush

Andrey Trush - Lonely Boat - easy piece for five-finger guitar playing / Одинокая Лодочка

Carlo Domeniconi - Koyunbaba (short version) - Andrey Trush

How to choose guitar properly - Andrey Trush