
'Miyaoka's algebraicity criterion and variations' by Jorge Vitório Pereira (IMPA)

Ben Bakker (UIC): Algebraicity of Shafarevich maps

'Miyaoka's algebraicity criterion and variations' by Jorge Vitório Pereira (IMPA)

Xiaowei Wang: Algebraicity of the metric tangent cones

On the algebraicity of the Hodge locus

Lennart Gehrmann: Algebraicity of polyquadratic plectic points

Michael Singer - Differential Galois Theory and the Algebraicity of Solutions, II

Hodge theory, between algebraicity and transcendence (Lecture 1) by Bruno Klingler

Bruno Klingler: Hodge theory, between algebraicity and transcendence

Algebraicity/holonomicity theorems - Vesselin Dimitrov and Frank Calegari

Maxim KONTSEVICH - On Grothendieck's Algebraicity Conjecture and random matrices

Stéphane Druel: Fano Foliations 0-Algebraicity of smooth formal schemes and applications to...

Hodge Theory, between Algebraicity and Transcendence (Lecture 5) by Bruno Klingler

Algebraicity of Period Images and Mixed Hodge structures

Mixed Period Maps: Definability and Algebraicity

Hodge Theory, between Algebraicity and Transcendence (Lecture 4) by Bruno Klingler

On a conjecture of Gross and Zagier on algebraicity - Tonghai Yang

Michael Singer - Differential Galois Theory and the Algebraicity of Solutions, I

Hodge theory, between algebraicity and transcendence (Lecture 2) by Bruno Klingler

A. Efimov: Algebraicity and algebraizability, 02-03-2018

Hodge Theory, between Algebraicity and Transcendence (Lecture 3) by Bruno Klingler

Fields 1 (Algebraicity)

Local topological algebraicity of analytic function germs (Adam Parusinski)

Irakli Patchkoria - Classification of module spectra and Franke's algebraicity conjecture