
Mom Won’t Wakeup!! FAMiLY SLEEPS IN! Morning Makeover from Adley! dad helps us get ready routine

Adley & Niko BABY ANiMAL SAFARi 🦒 Pet Neighborhood & Vet Check Up! G for Gaming Minecraft Movie

BROKEN LEG Barbie!! Doctor Adley visit for an X-RAY and emergency check up! new play pretend cast

Magic ADLEY CARTOON ✨ Secret Room & Alligators inside our House! DONT GET CAUGHT the floor is Lava!

RAiNBOW GHOSTS 3 - new BABY ORANGE ghost!! Adley & Dad Save Mom then Escape the Purple Portal House

9 PUPPY SURPRiSE for Adley & Niko!! Hiding pet puppies inside our house! Spacestation Arcade Party!

ADLEY and NAVEY dance with RAPUNZEL!! Princess Surprise on a Disney Cruise for Niko's 6th Birthday

Adley & Niko KiDS VACATiON!! Water Slides and Swimming all day! Playing in the new Disney Kid Club!

Fairy Adley hatches BABY DiNOSAURS!! Pirate Dad wants a PET DiNO! Hidden island Gold & Making Art!

BARBIE BEACH inside our HOUSE!! Dream Plane pretend vacation with swimming pool and pet dogs!

ADLEY, NiKO, and NAVY diving into the pool!!

Adley meets Baby Brother!! (so adorable)

MYSTERY DRiNK GAME!! Adley & Mom make a Gross Family Challenge! Niko gets a Rainbow Juice surprise!

BACK 2 SCHOOL with NEW TEACHERS!! Adley & Niko pass the First Day of crazy art class then lava gym!

BABY ADLEY Roblox Day Care!! Dad is the Nursery Boss! new playing, feeding, and potty training game

MOM vs BABY + Adley

NAVEY meets NiKO & ADLEY :) baby sister is finally home! an adorable memory with our WHOLE FAMILY!

FLOATiNG BALL PiT inside the POOL!! Adley and Niko play underwater & a surprise for new Triplets

COPS vs ROBBERS - THE FLOOR IS LAVA CHALLENGE and PRISON ESCAPE at the Park! (new game with dad)

NiKO'S BRAVE AMBULANCE RiDE 🚑 Adley & Navey Surprise him with a GiANT MONKEY! Mom saves the day

PET SPA in a POOL 🐠 Adley & Dad animal day care! Swimming with Fish and Turtles in the backyard!

ADLEYS 7th BiRTHDAY!! Miraculous Lady Bug Adley and her bday party with Akumatized Niko & friends

RAiNBOW PARTY for MOM!! Adley & Niko Decorate for Jenny's Surprise Birthday with family & friends

ADLEY turns into A BABY!! Morning routine Mix Up with Magic Cereal! Dad Day Care to the rescue!