ALGOL 60 at 60 - Computerphile

Tony Hoare | Building the future with Algol 60


The Evolution of Programming Languages From Algol 60 to Pascal #shorts #c++ #programminglanguage

50 years of Advanced Programming - an Anniversary Seminar on Algol 60

Battleships in ALGOL 60 on Elliott 803 emulator

Pascal (Not Just Nickel & Dime) - Computerphile

ALGOL 60 | Wikipedia audio article

Retrocomputing: How were strings printed in the Dijkstra-Zonneveld ALGOL 60 compiler for the Elec...

ALGOL 68 Instead of Pascal? - Computerphile

PDP8 PC04 RogAlgol Algol 60 paper tape reading

ALGOL 60 | Wikipedia audio article

PL02.08. ALGOL 60

ALGOL – The Language That Built Modern Programming!

Programming Through Time: Top 10 oldest programming languages

ALGOL 60 | Wikipedia audio article | Wikipedia audio article

ALGOL full form


How did it happen that Algol 60 was an improvement on its successors? (3 Solutions!!)

About ALGOL Language #shorts

ALGOL Meaning

what is ALGOL language ?

Putting Algol 60 on the browser (stream 1)

ALGOL-M Compiler under CP/M on Multicomp