
AI coordinator

spatio temporal autoencoder for video anomaly detection/AI coordinator

Multi Object Tracking YOLOv5

Stylized Neural Painting / Draw an oil painting from one image / python tutorial / pytorch

AI Coordinator EU Asia

YOLOv8 DeepSORT Too wonderful

【Easy high performance tracking】An easy way to track large numbers of people/python tutorial,OpenCV

Easy and accurate tracking with OpenCV, python tutorial

Whole body coordinate detection / holistic / mediapipe / python tutorial

【Jetson TX2】RTAB MAP/ZED CAMERA/ROS/3D-SLAM/AI coordinator

【Make Robot】Powerful mobility crawlers & can carry people and luggage/SmartDriveDuo-10

【SUDOKU】Immediate termination using AI, Python, OpenCV, DeepLearning

ChatGPT VScode amazing code reviews

【StyleGAN2】abstract art/Google Colaboratory, python tutorial

YolactEdge Real time Instance Segmentation on the Edge / python tutorial / google colaboratory

Easy. High speed color tracking with opencv, python tutorial

【StyleGAN2】Let's test the optimal value of truncaption spi/Google Colaboratory / python tutorial

StyleGan2 anime