AI for Social Good and the Corporate Capture of Global Development


Harvard CRCS AI4SG Workshop

Project AI4SG

AI The Social Good Revolution🤖🦾

AIChatbot AI4SG 05


'You can’t build what you don’t understand': Practitioner Perspectives on Explainable AI in the G...

Designing AI Towards Sustainable Development Goals: A Value Sensitive Design Approach

AI for Social Good Workshop

Applying AI explainability method to UNICEF's GIGA project

AI for Social Good: An Interdisciplinary Undergraduate AI Education Project

Mapping Value Sensitive Design onto AI for Social Good Principles

TechAide AI4Good 2020 - John Platt: Google AI for Good

Dynamic Outcomes Based Clustering of Disease Trajectory in Mechanical Ventilation - R2HCAI-23

Using AI for Social & Environmental Challenges | With Sidhant Gupta, Clearbot & Open Ocean Camera

44. Designing AI for Social Good and Beneficial Outcomes

Try Artificial Intelligence for Social Good | Elizabeth Bondi

Smart charging webinar: AI for EV charging. Prof Chris Develder, Ghent University, INTEC-imec

#77: 44. Designing AI for Social Good and Beneficial Outcomes

IGF 2020 Pre-Event #85 How to tackle discrimination by AI-enabled technologies? The potential of exi

ESG Manegement Support Service - Hitachi