
Does Matthew 5:17-20 teach the Law is still in effect for Christians?

What Jesus Meant By “I Came to Fulfill the Law and the Prophets.” (Visual Commentary)

Matthew 5:17-20 explanation - How did Jesus not abolish but fulfill the law?

Do We Really Need the Old Testament? | Matthew 5:17-20 | Gary Hamrick

The Most Startling Claim Ever Made, Part 1 (John 5:17–20)

S4: Week 13 Day 3: Annotating Matthew 5:17-20

How Jesus Fulfilled the Law of Moses (Matthew 5:17-20) | Messianic Sermon

The Law Fulfilled: A Study of Matthew 5:17-20

Daniel Alfaro | Biblically Dealing with Elders (1 Timothy 5:17-20)

Matthew 5:17-20 'Jesus, the Fulfillment of the Law'

Matthew 5:17-20 (Four Contexts) – An Academic Lecture

Andrew Schumacher is wrong about Matthew 5:17-20 | David Wilber

Matthew 5:17-20 | Scripture Study

#15 - Matt. 5:17-20 [Daily Orthodox Scriptures for Kids]

Der Christ und das Gesetz (Matthäus 5,17-20) | Predigt

JESUS E A LEI | estudo bíblico | Sermão do Monte | Mateus 5:17-20

Matthew 5:17-20, The Believer And The Law

Matthew 5:17-20

Mateus 5:17-20 - Jesus e a Lei de Moisés.

Matthew 5:17-20 – Bible Reading

Are You GOING DOWN with the SHIP? | Matt 5: 17-20 | 2BeLikeChrist

Why Jesus Came: To Fulfill the Law | Sermon on Matthew 5:17-20

S2-Day 14: Practice What You Preach- Matthew 5:17-20 (Tagalog-English - 5 am Daily Devotion)

The Upside Down - Matthew 5:17-20 - Nate Heitzig