5 kHz sine wave

audio oscillator for high inductance coils (1,5 KHz-70 KHz)

Voltage amplifier 20 Hz-10 KHz (sine wave/square wave) 0,2 V in and 4V (sin) or 8V (square) out

5 Ways To Generate A Sine Wave (Analog)

Sinewave 10 kHz

14250Hz (14.25kHz) Sine Wave Test Tone - 600 Seconds (10 Minutes)

8000 Hz 8 kHz Sine Wave Sound Frequency Tone

A signal generator supplies a sine wave of 200  V, 5 kHz to the circuit shown in the figure. Then...

10500Hz (10.5kHz) Sine Wave Test Tone - 600 Seconds (10 Minutes)

Tinnitus Treatment with Acoustic Coordinated Reset Neuromodulation Tone Samples for 1000 - 10,000 Hz

2450Hz (2.45kHz) Sine Wave Test Tone - 600 seconds (10 Minutes)

8KHz Sine Wave Test Tone (1 Hour)

3650Hz (3.65kHz) Sine Wave Test Tone - 600 Seconds (10 Minutes)

5000 Hz Test Tone 10 Hours

Simple HF sine wave oscillator 15 KHz - 160 KHz with a 555 Chip schematic and demo

7000 Hz 7 kHz Sine Wave Sound Frequency Tone

1500 Hz Sine Wave Sound Frequency Tone

8 kHz 8000 Hz sine wave test tone

4000 Hz Sound Audio Test Tone | 4000 Hertz Sine Signal | 4 kHz

1.6KHz Sine Wave Test Tone

1500 Hz Sound Audio Test Tone | 1500 Hertz Sine Signal | 1.5 kHz

5000 Hz Frequency Sound. Tone Audio Signal. Sine Waveform. High MID

4250Hz (4.25kHz) Sine Wave Test Tone - 600 Seconds (10 Minutes)

A signal generator supplies a sine wave of `200V, 5kHz` to the circuit shown in the figureure. T...

FET test oscillator sine wave with very good linearity (200 KHz-9 MHz)