
another quality test 4 00x 3840x2880 amq 12

Management of the state housing stock in the USSR, 1972 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub

Test VRM A01 6 3840x2880 6mpb

Test VRM A01 7 3840x2880 6mpb

4K (3840x2880) 80Hz on a CRT (Dota 2) HDR

4K (3840x2880) 80Hz on a CRT (Borderlands 2 Enhanced Edition)

Security alarm system, 1962 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub

4K (3840x2880) 80Hz on a CRT (Destiny 2)

Production of building materials from wood waste, 1973 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub

On the construction sites of the capital, 1954 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub

Moscow meetings, 1961 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub

Primary mission, 1979 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub

We are the tourists, 1966 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub

Version, 1983 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub

Sock Away, 1988 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub


The Baltic Economic Region 1982 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub

Pay through the nose, 1985 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub

Takeoff is allowed, 1980 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub

This ordinary day, 1977 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub

New Year Party, 1964 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub

Science and Technology No. 3, 1978 color_AI 3840x2880 4K Sub